McCarter & Green - CITIES SERVED

Seymour, TN

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Personal Injury & Criminal Attorneys In Seymour, Tennessee Making A Major Difference For our Clients In Our Community

From motorcycle accidents and car accidents to amusement park accidents, wrongful deaths, and criminal law needs, these unfortunate situations can become a major problem for you and your family. Contacting a personal injury or criminal law lawyer in Seymour can help you get ahead of your situation and reduce the amount of stress you deal with. Our law firm can take control of your personal injury or criminal case and provide you with the legal assistance you need to take on your case with confidence. For a free consultation, call us at (865) 429-3600 to schedule one today.

Our Services:

Get your case evaluation.
Ready to schedule a legal consultation with an experienced personal injury or criminal defense attorney at McCarter & Green Law Firm? Take the first step towards getting the help you need - reach out today, and share your challenges with us.
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Did You Know That We Take Personal Injury Case Referrals?

McCarter & Green Law Firm is proud to partner with neighboring law firms to handle referred personal injury cases. We are committed to providing a seamless and positive experience, ensuring that referring attorneys can trust us to deliver exceptional care to both them and their clients. Each referral is promptly reviewed by our experienced team to ensure the best possible outcomes. Submit your client’s case to us by email or call us at 865-429-3600. Our team will respond as quickly as possible, typically within 24 hours. Learn more →